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Bookings Ellie please look at the website below for bookings and calender




Book a free discovery call, it’s easy to do!


Want to find out more? (show monthly calendar with available 20mins slots at 9am to 1pm, 4-6pm, Monday to Friday)

Book your first breath session: 2 hour (show monthly calendar excluding Sunday’s & bank holidays with available 110 mins slots at 9am, 11am, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm)

Book a follow up breath session: 90 mins (show monthly calendar with available 90 mins slots at 9am, 11am, 3pm, 5pm)

Book your first IEMT consultation 90 mins show monthly calendar  excluding Sunday’s & bank holidays with available  slots at 9am, 11am, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm)

Book a follow up IEMT session: 60 mins (show monthly calendar with available 60 mins slots at 9am, 11am, 3pm, 5pm)

Urgent Booking and can’t find a suitable time/date slot? Email Davel directly on

By booking you consent to the terms and conditions on this website, including a 48 hour cancellation policy




Choose your pricing plan

Payment plans: Please contact me at if you’d like to discuss a payment plans to spread the cost of the bundle programme.


Ellie, It’s displayed as a table so you can distinguish it but I’d like it presented less like a table


1xBreath Session

3x Breath Sessions

5 x Breath Sessions


IEMT 3x Sessions

£120 (face to face)

£100 (online follow up)




Transformational Breath

or Coherent Breath

Strongly recommended for new transformational breath clients

Tailored package includes Transformational Breath ® plus

Coherent Breath

IEMT clients

110 mins initial consultation & breath

10 mins zoom follow-up call

110 mins+ 80mins+80mins


2x20 mins zoom follow-up calls

110 mins plus 4x80mins of Transformational Breath ®

4x20 mins zoom follow-up calls

90 mins full IEMT session1x10 mins zoom follow-up calls



Book here

Book here

Enquire here

Book here

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