Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)
What is IEMT and how will it work for me?
The IEMT method uses the eyes to re-wire the brain and get to the root cause of the ‘problem’ without the need to retell painful or traumatic past events.
As a client, you will be expertly coached to track a current negative emotion back to its earliest imprint in the memory.
You will be safely guided to use the therapeutic action of eye movements to resolve the emotional tag associated with that first undesirable event.
The IEMT method of tracking may take you back to the earliest memory imprint. This could be days or even decades past but, unknowingly to you as the client, the deep imprint still elicits strong negative emotions, feelings or behaviours in the present moment.
The roots of this model are traced to Steve Andreas and Connirae Andreas's eye-movement integration therapy and Francine Shapiro's eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.
IEMT is also influenced by David Grove's ideas about exploring identity through the use of pronouns. The model was subsequently developed by therapist Andrew T. Austin, in the United Kingdom.
The simple science behind IEMT
Specific eye movements are linked to the parts of the brain that store memories and emotions (e.g. amygdala and hippocampus). By using a sequence of eye movements, the IEMT method helps to target and change the memory imprints associated with negative emotion(s). As an evidence-based therapy, EMT works at the root causal level, rather than focusing purely on symptoms to resolve deep or long-held issues.
Advantages of IEMT
There is no need to disclose details about your past (traumatic) experiences. Unlike a number of other psychological therapeutic processes, IEMT does not require you to disclose lots of details about your experience nor to relive troublesome events by retelling past events. Traumatic imagery is largely irrelevant to the IEMT process.
The process used in IEMT can help reveal why you are repeating unwanted behaviours and how to adjust or change these unwanted behaviours. Clients have reported becoming increasingly aware of their own (maladaptive) reactions when a problematic event occurs. By doing this, clients have learned to habitually tap into their own pool of positive, empowering behaviours and turn their lives around for the better.
What has IEMT been effectively used for?
As a targeted technique, IEMT has been effectively used to resolve, eliminate or reduce the following feelings and experiences : grief, anger, reliving painful trauma, anxiety, depression, phobias, emotional blocks, and limiting beliefs.
How is breathing complimentary to IEMT?
The IEMT method is highly targeted, designed to focus your subconscious mind on the root cause of a specific issue or problem. Breathing is an integral part of that process, supporting you to remain focused while you are guided to work through the issue, but also helping you to be in a calm state after the problem has surfaced and the IEMT session has ended.
You will also receive a specially tailored 20-minute breath practice a few days after the weekly IEMT session, enabling you to stay resolute and at ease during the change process over a three-week period.